Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So I have two groups of friends.  Lately I am feeling like they are all distant and upset with me/us about something.  I keep trying to pinpoint something that could have happened to start this.  I keep coming up with nothing.  I know I am upset, but I am also pregnant, so I am not sure if there is *actually* a problem or if it is more of a hormone thing.

I suck at confrontation, and so far it seems they are uninterested in speaking up about anything that could be upsetting them.  I don't know what to do.  I get upset, frustrated and weepy.  Then I talk myself OUT of being upset, frustrated, and weepy because something I always expected from these two groups of people was for them to be honest and open about communication.

It seems like if there is going to be a point at which I talk to them, I think the Panda needs to be out, as I am a mess right now and do not want to scare them off with my excessive sobbing.  I am very attached to one group, and love the other group like family.

1 comment:

  1. FWIW, I'm not aware of anything going on on my end of your social circle. If you're not sure, I recommend talking to find it out. If you're worried about excessive sobbing, how about via email?

    Reading this now makes me even happier that I get to see you very very soon! <3
