Monday, April 18, 2011


So, you can dip your dogs and your cats to prevent fleas and ticks, but my question is can you dip your CHILD to prevent the spread of germs?

It seems that bath-time is insufficient.  The little guy has a really bad habit of "forgetting" to flush and wash his hands after trips to the bathroom.  I am saying it ALL the time, and it is making me crazy.  Today we had to have a nasty conversation about "poop germs" and how spreading them all over the house can make EVERYONE sick. (He currently has a tummy ache and is spending extra time forgetting to flush/wash.)  He used to LOVE washing his hands.  I would find him playing with soap and water while singing in the bathroom.  Did that switch get stuck in the OFF position when he turned 7?

So, after discussing this 3 times today, and he forgot AGAIN, I asked him to go wipe down the light switches, sink handles and toilet handle(to be done last) with a disinfectant wipe.  Then I made him wash his hands AFTER that too.  He keeps getting sick, and bringing germs home, and I am at a loss as to what to do next!  I figure this was significantly less extreme than soaking him in a tub full of soap for a few hours. ;-P I would really like him to get back into this practice before we have a new baby in the house.

For now, he is clean, fed, and I can demand some rest time for all of us!  Sick kid days are rough!

1 comment:

  1. You cannot germ dip your kids. I am, however, all for spraying down anything that moves with either Lysol, or the Lysol for surfaces spray that's safe to use on tables and such. Go forth and spray!
