Sunday, April 10, 2011


Well, if it means I do not have to sound like a broken record until I am ready to pull out my hair, I will give it a try.  My kids may end up looking like Pop-eye at the end of the summer. =P

Last night Spud (7) went to a birthday party at a Martial Arts school.  The teacher was impressive in his ability to positively enforce the kids, and get them to listen.  He gave all of the parents a suggestion.  He said when you have to ask your children to do something more than once, each time after the first, make them do 5 push-ups.  He also encouraged the parents to take Hand Sanitizer places so the kids can do them ANYWHERE.  lol  He said it helps them build up strength, and something else (pregnancy brain strikes again!)  It seems like it could be a good learning tool.  They have that time for the 5 push-ups to think of what they were supposed to do and make a plan to do it.  So far this morning, Spud has had to do 10 push-ups.  One set for nagging me about something when I asked him to stop asking.  Another set for playing with his toys with his feet instead of sorting his laundry.  He is being a REALLY good sport about it.  He has also been practicing everything they learned at the party, all morning long.

I told B that since she is almost 15, she gets to do ***10*** each time she ignores me.  I also said she could keep track of them and enter them into at the end of the day.  This plan may not work as well for her.  If she starts ignoring me just so she can do push-ups, we may have a problem. ;-P

Push-ups and squirt bottles!  What a perfect parenting style I have adapted to my liking!

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