Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Finally! Sleep!

For the last few nights, I have slept extra crappy.  Tossing, turning, too hot, have to pee, baby kicking my bladder, hubby dealing with insomnia, wind storm, etc.

Who knew that lack of sleep + being 27 weeks pregnant can make you a cranky, cranky bitch?  (((Well...probably everyone.)))

Last night I was getting ready for bed and I was already too hot.  I found the thinnest nightgown I own, and laid in bed with no blankets.  Then I got water with ice and lemon.  Then I got some crackers.  Then I looked at my clock.  It was 75 degrees F in my bedroom.  Most of the winter it was 68-69, a temperature I loved cause I could cover up lightly and be comfy.  I whined at the poor hubby.  I went and checked the thermostat.  OMFG, it was claiming it was 72 upstairs.  The heater was not actively running, but still!  I cranked that baby down.  We all still have our comforters on our bed, so if we get chilly we can cover up.

I slept like a happy, swaddled baby! (Well, minus the 6-8 trips to pee)  I was able to lightly cover up and be comfy.  I was not up with heartburn, sweaty and uncomfortable, waiting to fall back to sleep for 2 hours.  It was heaven!  I feel so great today, I want to curl back up and repeat the experience.  The next step is to open windows when it is consistently warmer at night.  I can't wait!  If only you could have an open window and no noises, that would be perfect!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could sleep like that. What was your secret?
